Artist Statement

"My works are characterized by a varied use of materials and media.
I work with: photography, video , animation, installation, sculpture , drawing, artists` books and paper cuttings - and in the interaction between these media.

I am fascinated by the impossible. The works lie in the border space between reality and imagination. I work with change through work with;
perception of shape and scale, space impact on the state of consciousness, the living expressed in movements and processes in nature.

In some of my works I let nature be the starting point for my studies of imagination and reality. Nature is an inspiration in my work with its potential base for transformations, amazement and imagination. It is a source of wonder and is as part of our reality in the way that this universe exists and we are here - in this moment that also change or disappear.

In my photographs, I use the staging of diverse forms, which creates shifts in our perceptions of the image and the reality. My work speak in a language of story, interactivity, movements and silence. The work is about making immeasurable and irreplaceable values of nature and imagination visible in our society. It is a poetic action and creating of works that enter into the room of discussion with images and space that insist on time for reflection and presence." Maja Ingerslev.
Hjemmesiden er støttet af Statens Kunstråds Billedkunstudvalg
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