Out of Sight
Upcoming Soloshow KH7artspace, Aarhus, Denmark. 8 - 30 nov. 2019. 

The exhibition "Out of Sight" shows a number of new works created in dialogue with the white winter landscapes and black twilight landscapes of Norway, Iceland, Finland and Denmark. The exhibition consists of the photographic series "Out of Sight" every and each with staged paper sculptures, the collection "One Thousand Snowflakes"(1000 paper snowflakes) , and the videos "In A Blink of An Eye" and "Snow Parade".
The exhibition questions our relation to nature through our vision and experiences, in an anthroprocene and digital age, living with a loss of biodiversity and a changing climate. The themes of whiteout and blackout are the starting point from the works idea and form.

Photos; Analog c -print, papercuttings, on dipond. 75 x 75 cm. Edition 5 +1. (and 50 x 50 cm, 90 x 90 cm).
Made by hand in traditional colordarkroom, gOlab, Berlin by the artist.

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